Category Archives: Health

Acne scars: the imprint of adolescence

During adolescence, acne is a recurring partner. While it is something that can be treated, in some cases, acne leaves scars that remind us of its passage through the skin. What are acne scars, how can they be prevented and how can they be treated? Here we tell you.

Acne scars in adolescence

Adolescence leaves marks in the lives of all human beings. The first love, the friends of the soul, the transition from childhood to adulthood, the desire for independence. It is an intense time that also in many cases is accompanied by annoying acne. And although we want that when adolescence ended, acne also disappeared forever, many times it is still present in the form of scars. These marks that appear on the skin are an unpleasant reminder of the traces left by the pimples and pimples on the skin.

What causes acne scars?

A scar is simply the skin’s response to a wound in its tissues. It is the visible sign that after an injury, the skin itself tried to repair it. In the particular case of acne, the wound is caused by inflammation that the skin suffers in response to sebum (fat), dead skin cells and germs that clog pores.

Acne causes two types of scars: those that are like a hole or crater or those that are bulky or keloid. In some people, acne scars can last a lifetime, while in others, they can change until they fade a little or decrease in size.

The scars caused by acne can have a great psychological impact on those who suffer from them. They may affect your image and self-esteem, to the point of becoming a big problem in your life. On the other hand, in other cases, those who suffer from scars can tolerate and even accept them, because “they are not so serious.” If you or your adolescent child belong to the first group, you are probably interested in knowing if there is any way to eliminate or hide the scars.

The good news is that there are ways to eliminate acne marks . The not so good one is that there is no infallible treatment that is equally effective for each person. According to your case, the dermatologist will talk to you about these options:

  • Collagen injections: injecting collagen or fat under the skin where the scars are located, can fill them or stretch the skin, making the scars less noticeable. However, the results are temporary, so you will need to repeat the injections periodically.
  • Micro-dermabrasion: This method removes skin surface cells.
  • Dermabrasion: completely removes the superficial layer of the skin.

Other procedures with laser or  intense pulsed light , or even surgery may be the solution. Remember that the most important thing is that you consult with your dermatologist about the best way to eliminate scars in your particular case. Thus, you will only have good memories of your adolescence.

Allergies also affect the eyes. Learn to avoid and treat them

In a matter of allergies, the nose is not alone. If you thought that the only allergy symptoms are congestion, runny nose and sneezing, you are wrong. If one day you wake up with the red eyes that itch, burn and tear you, and / or with inflamed eyelids, you have all the signs of an eye allergy or allergic conjunctivitis. For now, a compress of cold water can relieve the symptoms, but in the long term you need to identify what produces it and learn to fight the symptoms.

Allergies in the eyes

The eyes are very sensitive and delicate organs. Anything that irritates them is extremely annoying: imagine the sensation of having a foreign body in the eye, a kind of grit that is added to the itching that makes you scrub them continuously, and not to mention redness and inflammation. How to go outside with such an appearance? Well, one in five people (in the United States) suffer from allergies that affect their eyes and are known as eye allergy or conjunctivitis allergic Although they can cause blurred vision, the good news is that the symptoms of this condition, although very bothersome, do not permanently affect your eyesight, unlike other eye infections that can damage it and sometimes give the same symptoms. Therefore, if you do not find relief and improvement with over-the-counter medications for allergies and strategies to avoid it, you should consult as soon as possible with the ophthalmologist (the eye doctor) or with your GP.

Why do allergies happen in the eyes?

The function of the immune or immune system (defense) is to protect the body from harmful substances such as viruses and bacteria. This system also reacts and acts against foreign substances, called allergens (to which the person is allergic) that are usually harmless and do not cause any problems in most people.

In an allergic person, the immune system is hypersensitive and reacts extremely. In the case of ocular (eye) allergy, the problem begins when the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the inner part of the eyelid and the white part of the eye) comes into contact with an allergen. The immune system creates antibodies in an attempt to combat what it perceives as an attack. This could cause the eye to release histamines and other substances to fight the allergen. That is what causes the redness, itching and tearing, discomfort that can occur independently or in combination with the symptoms of nasal allergy.

The two types of eye allergies

There are two types of eye allergies: the seasonal and the most common, the perennial. Seasonal allergy occurs only in some seasons of the year that coincide with the times when there are more spores and pollen in the air (spring or autumn), while perennial occurs throughout the year.

The most common causes of allergies are exposure to dust mites, feathers, dandruff, dead skin cells of animals, smoke, environmental pollution and also perfumes, cosmetics and certain medicines. Usually, the allergic person can identify what causes the allergy outbreak: a walk in the garden, carrying a pet, vacuuming dust or being exposed to some cleaning products. But if the causes are not obvious, sometimes a blood test can determine them more easily. It is very important to know what causes the allergic reaction to be able to isolate and avoid what triggers it.

Both types of allergy produce the same symptoms, only that they are experienced at different times and are caused by different allergens. Itching is almost always a symptom that indicates that it is an eye allergy or allergic conjunctivitis, which may also be accompanied by:

  • Redness of the eyes
  • Tearing
  • Blurry vision
  • Burning sensation
  • Secretion and / or eyelids stuck

How do you avoid eye allergies?

The most important thing to prevent allergies in the eyes is to try to limit exposure to the allergen that stimulates the reaction. For that:

  • If pollen affects you, avoid going outside when the pollen count is higher (usually at mid-morning or at nightfall). Keep the windows of the house closed and use the air conditioning. Fans tend to make crises worse by spreading pollen, spores and dust in the air. If you have to go outside, wear large sunglasses, to prevent pollen from touching your eyes. When driving a car, close the car windows.
  • If dust mites affect you, cover the mattress and pillows with allergy covers. Frequently wash the bedding with hot water. And if the mattress already has several years of use (10 or more), consider buying a new one. Most old mattresses are a true colony of allergens.
  • Keep the floor very clean, without dust. In addition to sweeping or vacuuming, you should clean it with a damp mop to collect all dust particles. If your allergy is severe, consider removing carpets and replacing them with wood or slab floors. Similarly, avoid, if possible, the curtains of fabric that tend to accumulate dust and / or moisture.
  • Try to avoid moisture inside the house to avoid mold. Clean the kitchen and bathroom with a solution containing chlorine to remove as much mold as possible.
  • If your pet is the one that causes allergies , avoid entering the bedroom. Do not let him sleep in your bed.

To relieve symptoms

Sometimes, it is not enough to avoid the triggers (allergens) of the allergic reaction and you have to use medications, either over the counter or by prescription.

  • Avoid rubbing your eyes, which irritates them even more. To relieve itching, inflammation and burning, use cold compresses.
  • Saline water rinses and eye lubricant drops that can be bought without a prescription help relieve irritated eyes and remove eye particles.
  • You will also find in the pharmacy decongestant eye drops that eliminate redness. Some burn a little when applied and do not relieve all symptoms. In fact, it is possible that if you use them for a long time, they have a “bounce” effect and increase even more in redness.
  • Eye drops containing ketotifen or ketotifen can relieve symptoms for up to about 12 hours. These do not cause the rebound effect, even if you use them for long periods.
  • If you refrigerate the droplets you will feel more relief when applying them.
  • You can also try oral antihistamines (taken) such as Claritin (loratadine) and Zyrtec (cetirizine), which will relieve you in the long term and usually do not make you sleepy.

If you do not improve with these medications, your doctor and / or your ophthalmologist may prescribe other more powerful drops to relieve allergy symptoms. Follow the instructions carefully and do not forget to wash your hands very well before and after applying them.

Ideally, you can find an effective method to avoid exposure to what causes your allergic reaction. If you can identify them and keep them at bay, the symptoms will improve considerably. Remember that if they are not relieved by these recommendations or if other symptoms appear, you should immediately consult your doctor to identify the causes of the problem. They may not be allergies or, if the allergies are very severe, they may require prescription treatments.

If you don’t want to lose your memory, take care of your teeth!

A Japanese study associated loss of teeth and gum infections with an increase in the likelihood of losing memory and developing dementia . In this article we tell you more details about this finding and how you can take care of yourself to prevent your teeth from falling out and in passing, that you lose your memory.

Body changes

With the passage of time the body changes and it is natural that its functioning decreases. For example, some lose their sight, others hearing, teeth or memory. What all these disorders share is that they appear with age.

However, a group of researchers from Japan tried to unite two of these conditions and seek a relationship between them. In this way he found that people over 65 who had or did not have teeth or had only some (few) own teeth, were more likely to suffer memory loss or Alzheimer’s , while those who kept their teeth in better condition They had no brain disorders.

The researchers believe that one of the possible causes of this relationship could be that gum infections that can lead to tooth loss could release inflammatory substances, which in turn increase brain inflammation that causes neuron death (the cells of the brain) and accelerates memory loss. In addition, this could cause a vicious cycle since the loss of these brain connections could also cause the loss of more teeth, which would contribute to cognitive (thought) impairment .

Gum infections and memory

With the passage of time the infections in the gums are very frequent and often they do not give symptoms, that is to say that they appear without pain and they get worse little by little. So, when symptoms finally appear, it is too late to fix it. For example, you might notice redness and intense smell in the mouth and feel pain in the gums.

Anyway, the ideal is to detect any potential gum disease as soon as possible to be able to treat it and keep it from moving forward, since in the long term it weakens the structure of the bones on which the teeth rest and this causes them to fall . This is one of the reasons why the annual visit to the dentist is essential when you think about the care of your mouth.

Oral health

In addition, to maintain good oral (and cerebral, according to these findings) health, hygiene and daily care you have with your mouth is very important. Some simple and easy to remember measures that you can take to take care of your teeth and your gums are:

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, with a fluoride toothpaste .
Use dental floss or floss at least once a day (if you have had special dental treatments, be careful when passing dental floss, check with your dentist (dentist) regarding the proper way to do it).
Eat healthy: limit sugary foods between meals as well as drinks with caffeine and alcohol.
>Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco.
Visit the dentist regularly (at least once or twice a year).

Don’t wait for more time. You can start today to improve your oral hygiene and keep your teeth and your memory in good condition.

Mental health disorders increase in children and adolescents

Some experts think that the increase in cases of mental health problems or disorders in children and adolescents (for example, ADHD and depression, which are the most common) could be because parents are more alert to these conditions since they are more likely to be diagnosed. However, the numbers do not lie and there is no doubt that, globally, mental health disorders are hurting our youth in a significant way: they affect one in 5 children or young people!

The confusion at the first signs

Mental health problems or disorders are very frequent. When the first symptoms or the first signs appear it can cause confusion or even fear for the person who suffers it and / or for the family. In most cases, it is nobody’s fault. Many research studies are being conducted to try to understand the causes of mental health disorders. Seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it is a sign of maturity and strength. That is the first step to improve mental health problems. Many children and adolescents with these conditions overcome their problems and live happy and productive lives.

Statistics of affected children and adolescents

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) approximately 20% of children and adolescents worldwide have problems or mental health disorders. Half of them begin before age 14 and the disorders are similar in different cultures. Neuro-psychiatric disorders are the ones that cause the most disabilities worldwide. Unfortunately, regions that have the highest percentages of inhabitants under 19 have the most limited resources. According to WHO, most low and middle-income countries only have one child psychiatrist for every 1 to 4 million people.


According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness or NAMI, for its acronym in English:

  • 20% of young people between the ages of 13 and 18 have a mental health problem.
  • 11% have an emotional disorder
  • 10% have a behavior or behavior disorder
  • 8% have an anxiety related disorder
  • They agree with WHO that half begin by age 14
  • 75% of mental health problems begin at age 24
  • Mental health problems are the third cause of death in young people between the ages of 10 and 24
  • 90% of those who die by suicide  had a background mental health problem
  • Half of students 14 years of age and older with a mental illness do not finish high school

Other findings

According to the National Center for Children in Poverty :

  • Between 20% and 30% of adolescents have at least one episode of severe depression before reaching adulthood.
  • Between 50% and 7% of adolescents with anxiety disorders and with impulse control disorders (such as behavioral disorders or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD or ADHD ) develop them during adolescence.
  • 500,000 and one million young people between the ages of 15 and 24 attempt suicide every year in the United States alone.
  • Mental health problems increase in complexity and intensify in adolescence.
  • The frequency of negative results in health problems among adolescents
  • Health problems can lead to poor school performance, to not ending school, to poor family relationships, to the use or abuse of drugs , to sexual behaviors that put them at risk  or that lead to the juvenile justice system having to Intervene in their lives.
  • It is estimated that about 70% of young people in the juvenile justice system have a mental health disorder.

What are the signs of ALERT?

According to NAMI, the warning signs for mental health problems are as follows:

  • Feeling tired or moving away from other people for more than 2 weeks (for example: crying frequently, feeling tired, not wanting to do anything, without motivation).
  • Try to hurt yourself, kill yourself or make plans to do it.
  • Not being under control, having risky behaviors that can cause harm to oneself or others.
  • Sudden fear for no reason, sometimes associated with elevation in the rhythm of the heart, physical discomfort or rapid breathing.
  • Stop eating, vomiting or using laxatives to lose weight; significant weight loss or gain
  • Variations in mood that cause problems in relationships with other people.
  • Use of drugs or  recurring alcohol .
  • Drastic changes in behavior, personality or sleeping habits (for example: waking up early and acting agitatedly).
  • A lot of difficulty concentrating or staying still that leads to failure in school.
  • Exaggerated concerns or fears that interfere with daily activities such as going out with friends or attending school.

A recent report

Recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC, in collaboration with three agencies: SAMHSA ( Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration ), NIH ( National Institute of Mental Health ) and HRSA ( Health Resources and Services Administration ) published the first report describing the number of American children between the ages of 3 and 17 with mental health problems between 2005 and 2011. Key findings include:

  • Millions of children in the US live with depression, anxiety, ADHD  , autism spectrum disorders , Tourette syndrome , and a variety of other mental health conditions.
  • ADHD was the most prevalent diagnosis among children between 3 and 17 years.
  • The number of children with mental disorders increases with age, except for the autism spectrum disorder that is higher among children between 6 and 11 years of age.
  • Boys tended to have ADHD  , behavioral and behavioral problems, autism spectrum disorders (autism) , anxiety, Tourette syndrome and cigarette dependence more often than girls.
  • Teenage men between 12 and 17 years tended to die by suicide more than women.
  • Teen women tended to have more depression  and alcohol use disorder than men.

Data obtained from various sources between 2005 and 2011 showed that:

Children between 3 and 17 years old in the United States had:

  • ADHD  (6.8%)
  • Behavior or behavior problems (3.5%)
  • Anxiety (3.0%)
  • Depression (2.1%)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (1.1%)
  • Tourette syndrome (0.2% Among children 6 to 17 years old)

Teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 in the United States had:

  • Disorder of the use of illegal drugs in the last year (4.7%)
  • Alcohol use disorder in the last year (4.2%)
  • Dependence on cigarettes in the last month (2.8%)

What can parents do?

NAMI recommends that:

  • talk to your children’s pediatrician,
  • get a recommendation to go with a mental health specialist,
  • collaborate with your children’s school,
  • and get in touch with other families.

Of course we all have a role in this public health problem. Young people should know that if they feel sad, worried or angry, they should talk with a friend, family member or adult. Teachers and administrators in schools should remember the importance of early detection and of referring students with a trained professional. Finally, pediatricians and health professionals should also be alert to early detection to start treatment as soon as possible.

Diagnostic Challenges

There are several challenges to achieve diagnosis and treatment that could help reduce mental health problems and disorders in children and adolescents, including (and not the only, but very important) lack of access to health insurance or coverage. If you are a citizen or your children were born here, they may qualify for free or very low-cost medical coverage. Get informed You may qualify with low-income medical coverage options for Medi-Cal or Medicaid, you can get information at a local human agency agency.

Cold cucumber and avocado soup – healthy recipe

This cold cucumber and avocado soup is refreshing and has a delicious creamy texture. It is a perfect recipe for those who are trying to consume few carbohydrates since it only has 8 grams of carbohydrate per serving. And, with its healthy fats, avocado (avocado) is an excellent ally to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) . In addition, our recipe provides a good amount of fiber and is completely vegetarian. Bon Appetite!

The recipe yields:  6 servings

Per serving: 134 calories; 10.0 g fat; 0.0 mg cholesterol; 12.1 g carbohydrates; 3.2 g sugars; 2.6 g protein; 5.5 g fiber

Cold Soup Recipe

Recipe preparation time:  30 minutes

Difficulty of the recipe: Low

Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 kilo (2.2 pounds) cucumbers, peeled, seeded and cut into pieces
  • 2 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted (avocados)
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ¼ teaspoon agave honey
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper (Piquín pepper)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro

Preparation of cold soup:

  1. Put 1 cup of water in the blender and add cucumbers, avocado, lemon juice, agave honey, ¼ teaspoon sea salt and cayenne pepper. Blend until you have a smooth cream (you can add more water if it is very thick).
  2. Try and add the necessary salt and lemon.
  3. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  4. Serve cold or on time.

Indonesian domestic worker gets justice in Saudi Arabia

DAMAC (NNI) Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Labor has ordered a local citizen of the Eastern Khyber Governorate to pay one lakh 38 thousand riyals to a domestic worker from Indonesia. According to Arab TV A domestic employee has been working in a Saudi national for 15 years 6 months. Throughout this period she could not return to her homeland for vacation. His owner did not even give him his wages, and for a long time he could not even contact his family.

Indonesian domestic worker gets justice in Saudi Arabia

Had applied to the Labor Ministry for their rights. The government called for a person employed at home under the policy of providing justice promptly. The diplomatic process of the Brother Country Indonesia was also present on the occasion. In his presence, the government ordered the employee to pay one lakh thirty-eight thousand riyals immediately and arrange for his return trip, Saudi Arabia’s National Labor Committee member Nasir al-Dudsri said.

Indonesian domestic worker gets justice in Saudi Arabia

That the government has made a peace treaty between the Indonesian servant and his sponsor and has ordered the owner to pay the servant a hundred and thirty-eight thousand riyals. At the behest of the government, the person paid the Indonesian employee in the form of a check. Saudi citizens will also pay for all the extra costs and penalties that are delayed upon their return.

Trump announces forming military alliance to protect military installations

US President Donald Trump announces a military alliance to protect oil tankers and military installations coming from Gulf countries to supply oil to the Gulf of Oman and Yemeni waters. According to the United States wants to establish a global military alliance to protect trade routes on the seas around Iran and Yemen. In this regard, US forces have also held talks with several friendly countries and efforts to restore public opinion have been increased.

Trump announces forming military alliance to protect military installations

The United States wants to ensure sailing freight in the Gulf region, for which the establishment of a global military alliance is essential, for which there are plans and consultation with the friendly countries. US General Joseph Dunford added The United States will provide ships for command and control operations that will patrol the US between ships operating on the oil supply and ensure the safety of US military installations. The United States already has a fleet of aircraft in Oman after attacks on Saudi ships operating on supplies. The fleet has been deployed in addition to two ships of warplanes transferred to their military camp in Qatar.